Job satisfaction Index

Job satisfaction Index

After the crazy year we’ve just had this is a good time to pay some extra attention to the needs of your team. The NEG Business Club has just launched a brand-new tool that will help you to explore how your team feel about their jobs right now and we would love you to be a part of it. It consists of asking each team member to score their job satisfaction in ten different aspects of their employment with you

The survey is quick and easy to administer and once the data has been collected you can enter it into a spreadsheet and see your team’s job satisfaction both collectively and as individuals.

Access to the programme is free for all NEG Business Club members. It will give you an essential insight into what your team are feeling about work and create the opportunity to establish a valuable ongoing dialogue with them. In April Practice Building will be collating all of the data (appropriately anonymised) to create an overview of job satisfaction in the independent sector, all practices who provide data to the project have access to the results and subsequent conclusions and strategies.

If you haven’t yet signed up now would be a great time to do so, you can sign up or login at


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